Computer Program

In May 2010 we started our computer program beginning with 2 computers. We operate computer classes in the afternoons for children who are literate in Khmer and English to improve their prospects for future employment. Currently we employ 1 part time Cambodian computer teacher and have 13 operating computers. Classes run for 2 hours from 5:30pm-7:30pm, 5 days a week and the weekend Classes start from 2:00pm-6:00pm. The number of students able to attend classes is restricted due to the lack of facilities so all students are selected by their teachers to attend class. Students who excel in class and who are motivated and willing to learn are given the opportunity to attend computer class. Students are taught how to use Microsoft programs such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Publisher. Students are also taught how to use the English keyboard to write in Khmer script.